Association Bylaws


Association Bylaws






                                                          This Association shall be known as the SEMO Seniors Golf Association.

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The objectives of this Association are to encourage fellowship and friendly competition in golf among senior players and to hold an annual Golf Championship Tournament, and further to support a program of improving the position locally, and nationally of the Senior Golfer.




Section 1.

The officers shall be President and  Vice President, to be elected at the October meeting of the Board of Directors.  The appointed  position of Secretary and Treasurer may be held by one person.

Section 2.

The President, the Honorary President and Vice President shall be elected for a term of one year.  The President and Vice President shall not be elected to serve more than one term in the same office.  All Officers serve until their successors are elected or appointed by the Executive Committee.

 Section 3.

The entire management and control of the affairs, funds, and property of the Association shall be vested with the Board of Directors.

Section 4.

A Board of Directors consisting of no more than 12 shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the Officers and Directors, three to be elected for a period of one year, three to be elected for a two year term, and four to be elected for a term of three years.  At each succeeding Annual Meeting of the Association, three or four Directors shall be elected to serve for three years or until their successors are elected or appointed by the Executive Committee.

Section 5.

All Officers and members of the Board of Directors shall assume their duties at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting at which they are elected.

Section 6.

If, between Annual Meetings of the Association, there exists a vacancy,  the Board of Directors  shall fill the vacancy – its appointee to hold the office for the unexpired term of his predecessor.



Section 1.

The President shall have general management of the current affairs of the Association, preside at the meetings of the Association, of the Board of Directors and the with the right to vote at meetings thereof.

Section 2.

The Vice President shall, in the event of absence, death or physical inability of the President, act in his stead in all matters.

Section 3.

The Treasurer shall have charge of the funds of the Association and deposit them in such bank as the Board of Directors may direct.  He shall pay bills conforming to guidelines approved by the Board of Directors  and present an annual statement of the receipts and expenditures of the Association by mail following the end of each calendar year.

Section 4.

The Secretary shall attend to the correspondence of the Association, shall keep the minutes of the meetings and shall furnish the names of the applicants for membership to the Chairman of the Membership Committee.  On behalf of the Treasurer he shall send out all bills for dues, tournament fees and all other charges, accounting therefor to the Treasurer with collections as received.  He shall prepare and send out all tournament notices, bulletins of interest to the Members, communication to the Members, communication to the Officers and Directors for executive and other action, and other notices as requested by the President or Chairmen of permanent Committees.  He shall have authority to incur any expenses for the carrying out of his duties.

 Section 5.

The Board of Directors shall also perform the following:

(a)     Select the dates and locations of each tournament, including the annual Golf Championship Tournament.  The annual Golf Championship Tournament dates normally will be in the week after the week in which Labor Day falls.  The site of the tournament may be rotated among qualified clubs in the 16 county area.

(b)     Appoint local committees to assist in conducting each tournament, including the annual Golf Championship Tournament.

(c)    Appropriate and allocate all moneys to be spent by Tournament Committees in running the tournaments.




.Section 1.

The Officers and Directors present at the meetings of Officers and Directors shall constitute a quorum.  .

Section 2.

The order of business of the Annual Meeting of the Officers and Directors shall be:

1.       Reading of Minutes

2.       Report of President

3.       Report of Treasurer

4.       Report of Secretary

5.       Unfinished Business

6.       New Business

7.       Election of Officers and Directors

8.       Adjournment 

 Section 3

.The Officers and Directors shall hold a meeting in April to make plans for each tournament, including the annual Golf Championship Tournament, admit new members, appoint a nominating committee, and conduct business.  The Officers and Directors shall hold a fall meeting to elect officers, admit new members and conduct business.




Section 1.

Any man who has reached the age of 55 years before the first day of the annual Golf Championship Tournament is eligible for membership.  He must be proposed by two Members, and must give his full name, mailing address, phone numbers, date of birth, county of residence, average score for 18 holes, and handicap verified by a Country Club Professional.  Applicants must reside in or be a member in good standing of a golf club in the Southeast Missouri counties of Bollinger, Butler, Cape Girardeau, Dunklin, Iron, Madison, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Perry, Ripley, St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve, Scott, Stoddard, and Wayne.

Section 2.

Any Member may be expelled by the Board of Directors after notice to him on the charges against him and due opportunity to be heard. 

Section 3.

The membership of the Association shall be limited to 520.  This limitation may be changed by the Board of Directors.  This number does not include the Honorary, Associate or Members over 80.

Section 4.

Members of the Association shall be classified for tournament play as the Board of Directors directs.

Section 5.

Any distinguished or worthy senior may, by vote of the Executive Committee, be elected an honorary member of the Association.  An Honorary Member may enjoy all the rights and privileges of membership without payment of annual dues.

Section 6.

Election to membership shall be by action of the Executive Committee.




Section 1.

There shall be an Initiation Fee of $10.00.  The annual dues shall be established by the Board of Directors, payable on or before the first day of January of each year. Members who fail to pay annual dues by March 1st automatically lose their membership and new members will be admitted from the waiting list.  In the case of a new member, his dues will be payable upon his election.  Members may become Associate Members by paying one-half of the annual dues and will be entitled to all privileges except participating in the golf tournaments.



Section 1.                                                                                                   

The management of each tournament, including the annual Golf Championship Tournament, shall be in the hands of the tournament director appointed by the President.

The Tournament Director will have entire charge of the program and conduct of each tournament, including the annual Golf Championship Tournament, and shall be the medium of arrangements with the host clubs and its officers at which the tournaments are held.  All rules and regulations formulated by the Directors shall further be subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.

Section 2.

All prizes are given in the form of merchandise certificates which must be exchanged at a Pro Shop or other shop handling golf merchandise exclusively within our 16 county area.



Section 1.

At the April meeting the Present will appoint a Nominating Committee of three.  At the June Meeting, the Nominating Committee will nominate three or four Directors to be elected to serve for the ensuing three years.  A majority of votes shall elect a candidate.  The Board will elect the President and Vice President at the October meeting.



Section 1.

The President may appoint, at any time, additional committees with such powers as may be prescribed in the appointment, not inconsistent with any of the provisions of these By-Laws.



Section 1.

The foregoing By-Laws may be amended by a vote of two-thirds of the Board of Directors. 




In general, upon dissolution no part of the property or assets of said Association shall be distributed to its Members, Directors, or Officers thereof for money loaned or advanced to the Association or by way reimbursed for membership dues or otherwise.  Any assets of said Association remaining after payment of all debts of said Association, shall be transferred by said Association to any corporation organized for exempt purposes, substantially the same as the purposes of the Association so dissolved.


Adopted by vote of the Board of Directors on the 6th day of June, 2015.   

Dave Diveley

Dave Diveley,  Secretary