Frequently Asked Questions

What does it cost to Join the SEMO Seniors - The one time initiation fee is $10.  Annual dues are $35 per member each year.

Entry Forms and Checks – Tournament Directors hold entry checks until the tournament is actually played.  Upon completion of the tournament, the checks will be deposited in the SEMO Seniors bank account.  Once a tournament is full, the tournament director, at their discretion, will dispose of entry checks received too late to play in the tournament.


Do not put checks for multiple tournaments in one envelope.  Each entry must be sent to the respective tournament director indicated on the entry form.

Refunds - No refunds of tournament entry fees will be made within ten (10) days of the event.

Golf Etiquette – Please wear proper golf clothing (collared shirts, slacks or Bermuda style shorts.  No gym attire or tank tops will be permitted.  Please repair all ball marks on greens; drive carts only in permitted areas of golf course; and do not bring your own food or coolers to the events.  The conduct of our members helps SEMO Seniors maintain good relationships with the golf courses by knowing and following proper golf etiquette and course rules.  If you have a concern or complaint, please bring it to the attention of a SEMO Senior Board Member – Do not complain to the golf course staff.

Handicaps –– Handicap calculation for the 2024 will be done by the new system we implemented in mid-year 2021. This is based on the indexes of the average of your last three scores.  Handicaps will be updated after each event and scores posted in 2023 and prior years will be used in calculating your 2024 handicap. 

. THIS METHOD CONFORMS TO THE USGA GUIDELINES FOR CUSTOM HANDICAPS.  The scores posted in 2023 and previous years are used in calculating your 2024 handicap. 

Age Groupings

Members will play in one of the following age groups based upon their age on  April 15 of the current year:

         Super Sr. Group - 75 years and older

             Older Group - 65 - 74 years old

         Younger Group - 55 - 64 years old

 Prize Certificates – Certificates must be redeemed within six (6) months from the date of issue.

Free Practice Rounds – SEMO Seniors members are entitled to a “free” round of golf prior to the “two day tournaments”, during the week of the tournament.  This courtesy applies only to the greens fees and members must still pay the applicable cart fees.  When making your tee time for your practice round, please indicate you are a SEMO Senior member and confirm the cart fee.

Special Golf Rates for Association Members

Discount Golf Like all business, our member courses are experiencing raising cost in all areas of operation, Therefore, not all courses will honor the $25 golf rate for our members in 2022. However, you will still receive a discount off the regular weekday senior rate. Please call ahead for rates and available tee times. Thanks for your understanding.


(Days, rates, and times available may vary by course--please call for tee times)


The following locations will also honor and redeem SEMO prize certificates